Artist Website Consultations

Sometimes you just need a little nudge and help from an industry expert. Christina Balch is a multi-disciplinary artist and executive website producer. She has been managing and making websites for big and small clients for over 10 years. Have an idea that you want to validate? Have a few specific questions? Just want an honest review of your website from an industry expert? I’d love to work with you.

Goal-oriented recommendations

I want your website to work harder for you, not for you to work harder on your website. I recommend identifying your career goals and then making incremental updates to your website based on those goals. For most 1-hour consultations, I recommend that the artist review and fill out the “Make your website work for you” consultation worksheet. This gives me a sense of your priorities and gives us an outline to help structure our time together.


Book a 1-hour Zoom consultation

Here’s how it works:

  1. For a strategic call led by Christina (this is how most consultations go), please fill out the “Make your website work for you” consultation worksheet and have it ready to upload at the time of booking. OR if you have specific questions that you want to review during the consultation, please have these questions ready when you book your appointment.

  2. Click on “Redeem Coupon” if you have a promo code.

  3. Select time zone, and review the available times below. I am on Eastern time in the US. If my regular Monday, Wednesday, Thursday times do not work for you, please contact me separately for additional times (not guaranteed, but I’ll certainly try to make it work).

  4. Enter credit card info. Consultations are paid for in full at the time of booking.

  5. Book the appointment!


Read what other artists have to say about 1-hour website consultation sessions.

SO excited and feel like I am in such a better place now, with action steps and a plan that will get me to create the website of my dreams.
— Massachusetts-based artist & filmmaker
Your advice and insights were really helpful and valuable.
— Massachusetts-based artist & activist

Still have questions?